Should Students Pay For Good Grades?
|When we are in school we all would like good grades but do we know how to get good grades? Well I think the truth be told we do deep down know that if we want good grades that we are going to have to work at getting them. Some students, however, know how to get good grades but are not really willing to make the effort to do it. At this point in their life they do not realize the importance of a good education but their parents sure do.
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How to Get Good Grades
Students, today, will often bribe their Lecturers to get a good grade. Do you really think this is going to help you in the future. Should students pay lecturers for good grades? First off how much are you going to be dishing out? The higher the mark the higher the pay or probably pay in kind for the female students? Or are we just going to go flat rate? Are you going to settle for just a passing grade or are we going to set a certain goal?
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Students are treading in dangerous waters when they start paying their lecturers for something that they are quite capable of doing. Lecturers aren’t stupid. They know you can get good grades on your own without bribing them. Why should they though unless they are going to get paid for it. This could definitely lead somewhere where you are not going to want yourself to be in the future.
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Sometime it is best not to give in to them. Maybe a better stand would be to take away some distractions if the grades start to decline and then discipline yourself to work hard. I am sure to regain those distractions you will start to remember how to get good grades and start to put the work into their studies.
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Now if you have some reason is having difficulty in school and really does not know how to get good grades you definitely need to take another approach. Maybe in this case you don’t need some incentive to work harder but again I do not think the best incentive is to pay lecturers to get a good grade. First you may struggle and put the money in and never reach a good grade. How are you going to feel then? You do not want yourself to become so discouraged that you just give up no matter what you offer to pay.
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At this point the best thing you can do for yourself is to seek some help and support. You may not be able to do this yourself personally but there are available courses online that will help you learn how to get good grades. One of those sites that has helped many students improve their grades and is worth visiting time to time is the EduAnsa.